Friday, January 30, 2009


By accident or design Ondine Ninetails finds a curious object in the crevices of her cave where she keeps her horde. Merely by sifting and shoving rocks and stone to hide her precious gems and coins ,it first appears to her as what seems to be as layered earth. That is ,until she looks closer.Ondine pushes away the stones and pulls out a heavy container of what appears to be leather and gold. And quickly shifts to her biped form to hold and gently examine what seems to be carefully wrapped and hidden beneath the wall. She immediately senses the weight of time in this strange package of scrolls And knows this cave was not the place to examine such an object.Quickly she returns to her dragon form and under a moonless sky, quietly takes it by her swiftest flight to her hidden tower .There she can examine more closely and see exactly what this is without being disturbed by nosey fae or less likable creatures from the land of Taure Ru.Once she arrives in her tower she carefully and with reverence , places the container on the podium or her highest floor….Lights the four candles that mark the skies directions and stand hesitantly looking at the container atop the podium, as if it might devour her.She sees that on the leather like cover is a gem-design painted with something akin to blood. She knows it was blood.As aged as these scrolls obviously are, the blood scent still smells as fresh as the new kill in the forest of Sylvhara that she has consistently fed upon.Her thoughts are fixed on the scent of blood. And her thoughts are instinctively fearful. But her curiosity overwhelms her .Ondine lifts her hand to touch and open this gleaning object, holding her breath as if to silence her racing heart….and finds within this heavied, musty, aged container of parchments, a multitude of scrolls layered with dust embedded in the folds. A heavy sense of lifting or maybe sinking passed between her eyes as she quickens to the touch of something alive.Ondine immediately knows these are maps. She can feel and see the lines and curves created by a timeless mind… intelligence that’s left its longing for continuance. When carefully sliding off the leather tie, Ondine feels a soft moan....and is startled at not knowing if the moan came from her own lips or the container.Opening it with reverence ,her trembling hands slid over the textured parchment carefully so as not to disturb or change this fragile gift. Unfolding the first scroll, the lines and curves spread randomly beyond the edges and gives no clue as to where this curious map leads to or where it beginsShe roars at the curious object and like a petulant youth shouts outloud ….without thought, “I need no map! I am not lost! I am not one nor am I separate form the whole!”Her own voice throws her to the ground .Ondine lifts herself back to stand and turns again to the map as if coaxed by a firm parent, feeling its draw and seduction similar and not unlike that of a patient lover.The lines of the Map shift and slide over the surface of the scroll as if in response to Ondine’s cry.A whisper of trance falls over Ondine’s eyes as a soft voice breaths in her ear “Close your eyes ….and point ….and touch.There ……you will begin………………………………........

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

6. Ondine Ninetails was pleasantly surprised that physically, the returning journey was much easier than expected.

Warm currents cradled her long journey and allowed a coasting gesture of wings to be ample effort to remain aloft.

This gave the dark dragon the luxury of concentration, thoughts and ponderings over the recent events.

It gave her time to examine the multitude of choices opened for the coming seasons. : Something new had opened in her mind. At first she felt distressed,thinking it may bee parasitic in nature, something other than or outside of her individualized self. But with the long lengths of time of observing and sensing, she enveloped the new and saw it as symbiotic. It allowed her to be the observer and the observed, the guide and the guided, the long line of genetic memory coming to fore .

It was a gnoing and an ease of purpose.

There was also a youthful excitement and impatience with this new found impulse.

What was seen as the symbiote warned and coaxed , cautioned and provoked to new inertias. The confusion it brought was both intoxicating and terrifying.

All these new feelings were being pondered and weighed.

The only decision Ondine made was to watch and see, for these new feelings could be the former delusions and illusions that never served well.

Ondine Ninetails grinned and thought that the only way to understand was to observe and see what poised response in her new home at Sylvhara. She wondered what wellings up will be useful.And most of all,….. how will this allow her to obtain the Hoon: the object of her dearest desire.

That time in the dungeon when she helped bring Dorian to his place of incarceration on the Wyre, she felt It’s presence, felt its call and immediately without logic or reason, lusted to possess it.

No cause or reason other than a fire in the blood.

Ondine Ninetails was deceived by the Queen when she(the Queen) told her that the blue stone she found beneath the Wyre was the Hoon.

Ondine ,in her blind lust, knelt before this false stone in ignorance and soon realized the Queen had deceived her. In that moment she lost her loyalty to the Queen and swore that the long life would be devoted to acquiring the Hoon. And the Queen’s lie would not be forgotten.

Ondine Ninetails remembered the words of her father,”All Dark is not evil and all Light is not good”.

With these thoughts Ondine fiercely pumped her massive wings, impatient to return and begin.

Ondine narrowed her eyes and focused on the object of her desire: the Hoon, the red stone that she now could see clearly in her mind’s eye.

And with this glowing and pulsing,Ondine speaks to the Hoon in the place of mindspeak, “You will be mine, my Love, You will be part of me and all that I become. However long it takes, know that I am present and approach closer with every breath.”

Thursday, December 18, 2008

5. transmission

It is I who am hidden within Radiant Waters. I am the one who gradually.... put forth (manifested, emanated) the All.... It is I who am laden with the Voice. It is through me that Gnosis comes forth. I am perception (enlightenment) and knowledge, uttering a Voice... I am the real Voice. I cry out in everyone, and they recognize it (the Voice), since a seed (of me) dwells in (each of) them. I revealed myself ... among those who recognize me. For it is I who am joined (who am within) everyone... -- Trimorphic Protennoia, Nag Hammadi Library ____________________________________________________________ ...... .... .... ..Ondine obeyed and remained silent and still. Perhaps more from her shock and fear than out of respect. ....In spite of her youthful nature to rebel and flee, her body unwillingly relaxed. ....This ominous Dark massive creature began to speak in words one would expect a father might speak to a tiny child. For an instant ,Ondine felt a smirk emerge at such silly words. But soon found that what she felt might not be what it seemed…......As the Dark dragon spoke...... .... ..
DreamsSun beamsN dragon wingsCatching all the lightPrism's mounds of substanceMulti colored from the sightBirdie tweetsCandy sweetsBalanced on the tongueNot the cryingNot denyingShadows from the sunFingers at the base of treesPrayer upon our bleeding kneesDigging for the roots of allWhispering impassioned calls……… open up the heartLet the soul beginWatch the veil begin to partWithin the eyes of friendsBlatant there before us allLong before the myth or fall
Dark n lightDay n nightServed in place of matterFair exchangeRearrangedWith cupN swordNPlatterWave the wandUrge us onFind the hearts delightJoy's the vesselDisembarkingBoardFor distant sights.. ..She suddenly felt as if all portions of her form were fleeing their familiar gathering of its dragon shape and were trying to scatter to the night like a flock of tiny birds. ....And at the same time she envisioned the sensation of this scattering to be more than a transformation. Her mind could only grasp the event by naming a comparison……she felt as if her whole body was but a drop of oil upon the element water. And this drop of oil exploded upon its surface and spread to the no thing. All boundaries were lost. All knowledge of self obscured. She had become the slivered rotting wood on the vessel’s deck…the gems piled haphazardly in the corners and scattered over the entire vessel…the stars that hung like lanterns in the four directions as well as the above and below…the surface of the ocean and the mirrored moon. And most profound of all… she was the Dark creature that balanced before her between the known and the unknown worlds.....A single thought came to Ondine, “This must surely be my death.”....And the Dark Dragon before her responded in mindspeak to her thoughts, “Yes, just one of the many deaths you will come to know.”....With these words in her mind the Dark Dragon’s form began to ripple as a tremor on the surface of water might under a soft breeze. ....“You have all else within, my daughter, all else will be revealed.”....“ I merely breeched your enclosure so that the underground streams might flow. The formula for this alchemy, the legacy, will be yours to understand, learn and live in the world of dreams. This you will send to the forward now.’....Suddenly a crescendo of nature began to move the ship and skies.....Clouds gathered in a hushed rush over the light of the setting moon. The former surface of a stagnant sea began to rise and fall under increasing winds. ....Ondine strained to hear the sounds of mindspeak from the form before her. But the blending sounds began to fade and bind with the sounds of waves and water.....Ondine could see that the father she had never known was submitting his form back to the elements and the ethers like a willing lover.....Without a fear for self and without a care of what might result, Ondine screamed to the heavens. “Father, why are you forsaking me?”....Both the Dragon’s caustic and healing tears of a million souls poured from her eyes and fell to the storms winds threatening to sink the fragile vessel she stood upon.....Ondine lurched to flight and Rose above the ship just as the dark below swallowed her place of rest.....The winds threw her toward the sky and caught her up in the currents of time and cast her back toward her new home in Sylvhara.....And no matter how hard she pumped her wings to try to return to the place she had encountered her father, the winds drove her back toward Sylvhara.....As she struggled and fought the currents that carried her toward her destination, Ondine thought she heard a whisper in her mind that spoke once more in the Ancient tongue of all dragons,....“All Light is not good. All Dark is not evil.Blessed be the Elvin womb that carried you toward your place in this world.”...... ..Ondine,Like her Dark Father, submitted to the winds that carried her. A tiny fragment of faith and surrender had breached her soul....... ..

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

4. Ondine Ninetails was shocked and confused to hear an almost pleading whisper from this monstrous being before her.

A sound of desperate relief seemed to ride the top of these two words spoken by the beast that Rose out of the sea.

Hearing these two words flashed a memory of a sculpture she had seen on the side of the Sylvan castle : two knights upon a single mare.And for a very brief momnt wondered where that memory came from.

This confused Ondine even more and her head began to spin with more fear and confusion.

While Ondine froze and waited to see if she was to be the meal for this creature, she also quickly looked a all she could observe that might offer escape. As she looked around toward all directions, she had the strange sensation that this one beast completely surrounded her on all sides and that it was pointless to even try. She settled in to a more defensive stance and vowed to herself that she would fight with all she had… to the death, if necessary.

The dark beast that so resembled Ondine’s own reflection she had seen in still pools of mercury, spoke again with a hiss of embers in a rainstorm, ‘No ,my child, you are not my prey. You found your way to me as I found my way to my source endless eons ago.

The beast pulled its massive head back and nodded slightly.

“And none too soon.”

He looks to the moon as if its light might disappear at any moment.

“As you can see I am almost entirely of the sea. My form now makes its final return to the mother of All. She holds me both warmly and coldly in a forever embrace. When this dark season’s Moon rests to the far horizon the legacy will be yours. You are my seed to creation.

Your body remembers and came to me across the migration of souls for the words of the mind.

Yes,’ the beast sighs a whirlpool across the surface of the still water to the east as he speaks,”your body remembers and has returned to me, your mind will understand my words, and you will carry this seed as I direct you in both memory and mind.

As all of creation, you are the ultimate alchemy. ..Life’s question and yearning for itself.

And with a threatening grin and pause... He draws even closer than before and whispers in an ancient tongue, “I am your father.”

Ondine understood the words, for the Green language or Language of the Birds was imprinted in every dragons cells from the ancient o f ancients. She begins to tremble and loose consciousness, but forces herself to maintain alert while cowering back in silence to both take these words in and to listen.

She sees her Father is about to speak.

He then looks quickly toward the moon, “So short a time to tell you all. But listen carefully and do not speak."

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


3. it comes
"But the Priest of the Moon could no more cross the gulf to come tous than we had been able to cross the gulf to go to him. Some devicehad to be found whereby we could meet half-way in the abyss of air,and that device was the art of the magical images whereby wevisualized the form before the inner eye in the inner kingdoms and heprojected therein the mind on mind here no man was, and heard thewords where no man spoke, for the thing came across the gulf on thewings of fantasy; for fantasy is the ass that carries the ark, asthey said in the ancient mysteries………………"
From the "Sea Priestess"

how still the liquid idles deep

toward earth

no venture in the moment

but a pause to see

no ripple breaks the surface of the depth of all

blue shadows of small creatures dart and flee

beneath the visions of the dark above

paints deeper visions of a dark below

that slow ascending creature of the deep

a rising rhythm to eternal ebb n flow

one eye all-seeing placed its gaze on me

as victim or a thing that's much to dark to see

movement used for flight dismissed

while waiting on the reaper's kiss

arms in gestures

angel wings

mudras spent by priests and kings

matter's fierce design

no place to flee

one now must be

a meal for the divine

………….solace in the knowing
we become...the divine ….that devours us..


There was no mistaking that a heavy presence was within the space of sight. And yet no ripple, no creature, no vision or illusion placed itself before her eyes.Ondine Ninetails jerked to every side, every direction, squinting her eyes and opening all her senses in defensive posture, ready for flight and fire if either was needed. Every scale on her form stood at attention as if they might feel where to look. And all the while she half noticed a buzzing sensation begin at the tip or her tail and spread up her spine in a persistent leisurely manner. This drew her attention and alarmed her even more that the unseen presence she knew was there.She was warned not to seek the Master Mage until she was full adult. The foolish abandon of her youth gave way to a determined curiosity. And although in dragon form she is only a juvenile, in her Elvin form she is 117 years old. This had been considered adult enough to be part of the Tari's Council at the Elven Keep inTriskele. They had even accepted her in this appointment even though they knew her father was a dark dragon. She often wondered why, then, were they so surprised when she left the Light Council to seek, to know, the dark that flowed in her blood. A sudden scent of deep sea and fresh earth, and a warm breeze or breath from behind made her heart skip a beat as she froze where she was. Slowly she turned her sight toward the massive dark shadow that blocked the moon and tried to make out what it was that she could not see. She lifted her vision up toward the heavens as if measuring the length of stars and found far above the rotting vessel she stood on, two eyes of fierce fire like her own, staring at her as if she were a fine morsel for someone's meal. For the first time in her dragon form she cowered down and felt the despair of being something's prey with no means of escape.
The terrifying eyes bent low with the graceful effort of a bird riding evening thermals and paused just above Ondine's head. Fangs the size of castle pillars gleamed in the faint light spreading open as the massive maw began to speak, "You came.", it whispered.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


”His name means "He Who Sees God". Camael appears as a warrior dressed
in a red tunic. He wears green armour plates, an iron helmet and has
large green wings. Originally the God of War, Camael personifies
divine justice and governs Heavenly singing. He grants Power,
Invisibility, and invincibility. Camael is responsible for holding in
check Leviathan, the monster of evil who will swallow the souls of
sinners. Camael brings to mankind the gift of Godness,
the Holy that exists within all women and men.”

Ondine Ninetails felt the light of the moon before she saw it.

She lifted heavy eyes from a deep sleep and forced her vision to ascend toward the source of the startling light. The dark was approaching She knew this. And the largest moon she had ever seen was rising over the horizon, as the last hint of daylight seeped away

Blood orange and intense was this vision: Something to drop one to their knees.

A rush of awareness surged through her dragon form and she remembered where she was and how she arrived.

She scanned the deck of the rotting vessel and looked at the glimmer of lights at the far end of the half submerged stern of the boat. Scattered over its deck, half hidden, half blatantly mirroring the orange red moon, were gems and coins the size of sea urchins.

Other than creatures of the forest and the sea, precious metals and gems were a favorite food on those rare occasions that a dragon might stumble across them. And indeed this was a rare occasion. The more she ravenously consumed the more she found to be piled in haphazard mounds in the corners and niches of the ship.

It had been a long time since she had gems to place in her hidden horde of treasures far to the mountains in the east. She decided that it was time to replenish her stock with what she could carry in her crop like a bird. But first ,now that she had fed on precious metals and gems and drank of the rain water pooled in the barrels bound to the mast, she decided to take better note of her place and what signs might continue her journey in the right direction.

The ocean also mirrored the great Moon over a sea that shone as solid as the marble courtyards of Solomon. It looked as if she could walk the water if she had a mind to do so. But she knew illusion. And she knew delusion. And neither served her well in the past.The glare of the stillest waters inspired her to trust only the elements and astral beings that had proven their worth: proper gnosis for those things useful.

Her mind wandered back to the promise of a gem beyond all other gems .The one said to be resting beneath the castle of Sylvhara. She new it would take the skills of a master mage to even approach such a gem and laughed out loud, “And to think that the drow Dorian that though it would be so easy to possess.

Her own voice bellowing across the stillness startled her to fearful caution as she felt with her dragon senses something stirring.

Said I

“If found
Should then I change the mask I wear
Or cover mirrors on the walls
Close windows
Cower in the dark and weep?

They come
Those hungry reapers of the heart
And call me to their side
Those generations of the heart
Steeped high in mer mory
They wake!

Thirsty begging for the nipple of lost tides
And siren song
Leviathan lullabies
And screams of bliss in bloom
Re membering
Those former noisy silences we chimed together
With our drunken bawdy songs
Sending tremors through desire
Under tuggings of the moon

They were
They are
With cause to see this through
To witness
One more Fisher Queen's demise
While I
A single breath
A remnant of the past
Hide waiting
For the echoed howls and
Hunted by the hound of God

If found
Should I relent and fall to final swoon
The tinctured thrall of
Chalices and thrones
Release and cry to all the worlds that wait..............

Or follow down this path alone?”

Friday, December 12, 2008

1. Faint fog-like shadows rise from deep the endless sea below….spiraled snakes of stealth wrapped tightly, riding thermals from the gray Sargasso stillness toward her path across the sky.

Three suns without both food and rest the flight has taken tole upon her Dragon form.

Perhaps some tiny remnant of a lodestone in the blood reminded and refused to let her pass this path without direct encounter with the eons of the souls that reach into and through her present form she holds as dragon of the Moon.

A vessel laden with a million souls of present past she feels the thunder in her dragon blood and wearily relentlessly scans for any place of rest. A floating piece of any mild debris would do, for rest and breath to ease the burden of the past.

She glances to the west…left hand the setting son.

The rising fog holds sway around a half submerged mossed vessel caught within the weeds of plankton pools around a still stagnant curve of ocean where no currents seem to flow.

Two islands of dark weeds and water lustily entwine around this rotting vessel like spent lovers forming a familiar darkened vesica piscus on the surface of the sea.

The maps were set to come this way and yet she has not heard a single bird or seen a single sign to guide her toward the legended abode, the home of the Dark Master of the Mage. This dire forsaken realm looks nothing like the maps of dreams and yet the elements have brought her here insistent on its path, insistent with its bidding as if some seasoned migration held her in its grasp.

Ondine Ninetails descends and falls like some dark angel from the sky and lands with pain upon the rotting deck below. Ignoring the pain and submitting to the exhaustion, she falls into a deep sleep without dreams.

Ondine Ninetails

Sunday, September 14, 2008


[19:09]Elizaveta Larkham: Grey, are you antangonizing my cousin?

[19:10] Greyylene Ansar: I was just walking by when this one stopped me -motions to the dark haired one-

[19:10] Ondine Ninetails: Greetings Eliza

[19:10] Greyylene Ansar: and greetings to you too Eliza

[19:10] Elizaveta Larkham: Greetings, Ondine.

[19:10] Elizaveta Larkham: Greetings, Grey

[19:10] Greyylene Ansar smirks

[19:10] Ondine Ninetails: I was merely telling her my woulds had healed

[19:10] Elizaveta Larkham smiles

[19:10] Ondine Ninetails: I know she was concerned since she is the one that gave them to me.[19:11] Ondine Ninetails smirks at her own words

[19:11] Morgan Northmead looks to the Cora with concern

[19:11] Elizaveta Larkham: Is all well, Grey?

[19:11] Greyylene Ansar: Always

[19:11] Ondine Ninetails: Grey?

[19:11] Elizaveta Larkham nods

[19:11] Greyylene Ansar: yes?

[19:11] Ondine Ninetails: how nice to meet you

[19:11] Greyylene Ansar: that is my name

[19:12] Ondine Ninetails: I have never been formally introduced sister

[19:12] Morgan Northmead: we have not been introduced either...I am Morgan

[19:12] Ondine Ninetails bows sarcastically

[19:12] Elizaveta Larkham: Despite Grey's aversion to this as public knowledge, Grey is generally harmless

[19:12] Greyylene Ansar grins to each 'well met to you both'

[19:12] Morgan Northmead bows to Grey

[19:12] Ondine Ninetails: you have a short temper to let a tiny dragon annoy you so

[19:12] Elizaveta Larkham smiles

[19:13] Ondine Ninetails: i think I may have spoiled your fun and your friends trying to burn the keep

[19:13] Greyylene Ansar: me burn the keep?

[19:13] Greyylene Ansar: you are mistaken

[19:13]Elizaveta Larkham: Grey? You do realize that while the treaty holds you are welcome in the city?

[19:13] Ondine Ninetails: oh that is probably so dragons have very poor vision ...smirk

[19:14]Elizaveta Larkham: Grey and Sunra do not set fires

[19:14] Greyylene Ansar: i have nothing with which to set fire

[19:14] Greyylene Ansar smiles at sunras name

[19:14] Ondine Ninetails: you have friends who do

[19:14] Elizaveta Larkham: That's more Damien's style

[19:14] Greyylene Ansar: yes i wonder how my brother is

[19:14] Elizaveta Larkham: Last I saw, Sunra was fine

[19:14] Greyylene Ansar: I have not seen many since my return

[19:14] Ondine Ninetails: Ahhh Sunra

[19:14] Ondine Ninetails: the lovely drummer

[19:14] Elizaveta Larkham: If you see him, please tell him I apologize. He will know what for.[19:15] Greyylene Ansar: of those I have they do not know me this way

[19:15] Greyylene Ansar: i will do that eliza

[19:15] Elizaveta Larkham bows. Thank you

[19:15] Greyylene Ansar: maybe i will visit soon

[19:16] Elizaveta Larkham: I hope you have a mind to

[19:16] Dag Glenelg is Offline

[19:16] Ondine Ninetails: you should bring Riddle and your other friend too

[19:16] Elizaveta Larkham: I have a gift for you

[19:16] Greyylene Ansar: ever gracious eliza

[19:16] Elizaveta Larkham laughs

[19:16] Greyylene Ansar: perhpas i should ondine

[19:16] Ondine Ninetails: I have yet to compose her song for the bard

[19:16] Elizaveta Larkham: Me? Gracious?

[19:16] Greyylene Ansar: to me yes eliza

[19:16] Elizaveta Larkham: Did I not suggest to Sunra that he fall and break his neck once?[19:16] Greyylene Ansar laughs

[19:17] Ondine Ninetails turns abruptly toward eliza

[19:17] Ondine Ninetails: ELIZA

[19:17] Ondine Ninetails: that is not like you

[19:17] Ondine Ninetails: heehee

[19:17] Elizaveta Larkham: I wish to present you with something. It isn't much, but a token for helping to keep the peace.

[19:17] Morgan Northmead gasps at ondine's tone

[19:17] Elizaveta Larkham shrugs

[19:17] Elizaveta Larkham: I was not happy with Sunra at the time. We have an odd relationship, he and I.

[19:18] Greyylene Ansar motions to the light haired elf 'that 1 is new'

[19:18] Ondine Ninetails tips her head curiously at Eliza

[19:18] Elizaveta Larkham pulls out a golden dagger decorated with leather and red gems[19:18] Ondine Ninetails: wondering if there is more than meets the eye

[19:18] Ondine Ninetails: or ears

[19:18] Morgan Northmead nods to Grey

[19:18] Elizaveta Larkham holds it out to Greyllene

[19:18] Morgan Northmead: yes, i am a recent arrival in the realm

[19:18] Greyylene Ansar: what is this?

[19:18Elizaveta Larkham: Grey? Please take this as a token of thanks

[19:18] Dag Glenelg is Online

[19:19] Greyylene Ansar looks puzzled at eliza

[19:19] Greyylene Ansar accepted your inventory offer.

[19:19] Greyylene Ansar reaches out and takes the dagger

[19:19] : Elizaveta Larkham OOC : before you rez it..a warning

[19:19] : Elizaveta Larkham OOC : it's super small

[19:19] Greyylene Ansar: thank you eliza

[19:19]Elizaveta Larkham: You're welcome

[19:19] : Elizaveta Larkham OOC : It's suppose to go on an armband

[19:20] Greyylene Ansar: (( ok thx ))

[19:20] Elizaveta Larkham: For helping keep the fragile peace

[19:20] Ondine Ninetails flinches ever so slightly seeing a weapon in the hand of grey

[19:20] Greyylene Ansar chuckles 'help, eh?'

[19:20] Ondine Ninetails: remembering the sting of the chain

[19:20] : Elizaveta Larkham OOC : You do realize that every time I see you I'm going to ask at least once....Are you sure you just don't want to become an elf? :-)

[19:21] Greyylene Ansar: (( lol yeh keep asking ya never know ))

[19:21] Elizaveta Larkham: Yes. Things could have gone quite badly that day

[19:21] Ondine Ninetails looks to Eliza

[19:21] Elizaveta Larkham: Bah...i may as well tell you.

[19:21] Ondine Ninetails: are you sure you want to offer more weapons to one with such a short temper

[19:21] Greyylene Ansar: nervous?

[19:22]Elizaveta Larkham: During the battle I...uh. I kicked Sunra.

[19:22] Greyylene Ansar grins and laughs

[19:22] Morgan Northmead is glad that she is wearing her own dagger

[19:22] Elizaveta Larkham: Grey has an even temper as long as she is understood and not trifled with

[19:22] Greyylene Ansar: im sure he remembers and recovered[19:22] Greyylene Ansar bows her head to eliza

[19:22] Ondine Ninetails: it was a very slight playful triful

[19:22] Elizaveta Larkham: I respect Grey for her actions

[19:22] Ondine Ninetails: not worthy of the scars

[19:23] Greyylene Ansar turns to ondine

[19:23] Greyylene Ansar: in your opinion

[19:23] Ondine Ninetails: vanity

[19:23] Ondine Ninetails: vanity

[19:23] Ondine Ninetails: vanity

[19:23] Ondine Ninetails: the best of sins

[19:24] Greyylene Ansar: you have quite a mouth on you-it is good i feel calm today

[19:24] Ondine Ninetails: you would do well to stay with us in the dark

[19:24] You: There has been many opportunities for Greyllene to cause damage and mischief. Grey has never taken one.

[19:24] Greyylene Ansar laughs

[19:24] Greyylene Ansar: you think i am other than dark?

[19:24] Morgan Northmead begins to hum softly, invoking Demias to send a spell of calm over the people here

[19:24] Ondine Ninetails: not at all

[19:25] Ondine Ninetails: to become elf would not suit you

[19:25] Greyylene Ansar: i stay where it suits me and serves me best

[19:25] Ondine Ninetails: you are well served in the dark

[19:25] Elizaveta Larkham nods

[19:25] Ondine Ninetails laughs outloud

[19:25] Ondine Ninetails: vanity

[19:25] Ondine Ninetails: wonderful

[19:25] Ondine Ninetails: yes you do well with the dark

[19:25] Morgan Northmead continues to hum in a minor key, breathing light and calm toward Ondine

[19:25] Greyylene Ansar looks to the fair haired elf again 'such a pretty one this is-keep her away from my brothers' -laughs-

[19:26] Ondine Ninetails: i am looking for a mate

[19:26] Ondine Ninetails: i may check them out

[19:26] Morgan Northmead: thank you for the comment

[19:26]Elizaveta Larkham: Sunra is hot

[19:26] Elizaveta Larkham looks around

[19:26] Elizaveta Larkham: Did I say that out loud?

[19:26] Greyylene Ansar: all of my brothers are 'laughs'

[19:26] Morgan Northmead smiles

[19:26] Ondine Ninetails: ahhh the elf reveales her deepest longings

[19:27] Morgan Northmead believes that demias has answered the prayer

[19:27] Greyylene Ansar laughs at ondines words

[19:27]Elizaveta Larkham: Speaking of...Grey. have you heard from Noctes?

[19:27] Greyylene Ansar: not in a very long time

[19:27] Elizaveta Larkham: Hmmm...niether have I

[19:28] Elizaveta Larkham: Sunra is beautiful to look at Ondine, but believe me, i already have my hands full

[19:28] Ondine Ninetails: Sunra is your brother?

[19:28] Ondine Ninetails smiles in amusment

[19:28] Greyylene Ansar: all drow are brothers and sisters

[19:28] Greyylene Ansar grins

[19:28] Ondine Ninetails: ahhh

[19:28] Elizaveta Larkham: Like all elves are cousins

[19:28] Ondine Ninetails: yes

[19:29] Morgan Northmead: i see

[19:29] Ondine Ninetails: for a moment i thought you could have been in the same litter

[19:29] Ondine Ninetails: that would be funny

[19:29] Greyylene Ansar narrows her eyes

[19:29] Elizaveta Larkham: Do not fear Grey, Morgan. She is dark, but not cruel or malicious[19:29] Morgan Northmead remembers that the calming spell only lasts a few minutes, and wonders if she should repeat it

[19:30] Elizaveta Larkham: Grey? Would you like to come in the keep for tea?

[19:30] Greyylene Ansar: not without cause anyway eliza

[19:30] Morgan Northmead smiles softly

[19:30] Greyylene Ansar: thank u but now i cannot

[19:30] Greyylene Ansar: on my return maybe

[19:30] Elizaveta Larkham smiles

[19:31] Greyylene Ansar: farewell ladies

[19:31] Elizaveta Larkham bows

[19:31] Ondine Ninetails: farwell sister

[19:31] Morgan Northmead: safe paths, Grey

[19:31]Elizaveta Larkham: Safe paths, my friend

new rangers and warriors

11:45] Ondine Ninetails: Dark day My Lord...Petunia said i was to approach you to become a dragon of the Moon
[11:46] Slade Sommerfleck turns his head the silver pupils narrowing in the dark shadows[11:46] Slade Sommerfleck: Come forward young dragon
[11:47] Ondine Ninetails steps toward the Dark Lord masking a slight arrogance that she knows will not be tolerated
[11:48] Slade Sommerfleck: Tell me why is it you seek entry into my clan?
[11:48] Ondine Ninetails: I seek nothing
[11:48] Ondine Ninetails: it seeks me
[11:48] Slade Sommerfleck: go on
[11:48] Ondine Ninetails: The Blood of my father brought me here
[11:48] Ondine Ninetails: I resisted for 117 years
[11:48] Ondine Ninetails: as a light elf
[11:49] Ondine Ninetails: finding that all light is not good
[11:49] Ondine Ninetails: and not all dark evil
[11:50] Slade Sommerfleck: and so you seek this compelled by your father's blood alone ? Do you have no want of your own in this matter?
[11:50] Ondine Ninetails: By my will i seek knowledge
[11:50] Ondine Ninetails: without restraint
[11:51] Ondine Ninetails leans into her vision of this creature and sees the dark for the first time[11:51] Ondine Ninetails: I am not with out my past
[11:51] Ondine Ninetails: you will have to take that into consideration
[11:52] Slade Sommerfleck: your past is held in light 117 years worth .....
[11:52] Ondine Ninetails: compassion and kindness were part of my elven form
[11:52] Ondine Ninetails: yes
[11:52] Slade Sommerfleck: i can tell you this if you come before me without true intentions i shall devour your heart myself
[11:53] Slade Sommerfleck: and lay your corpse upon the steps of the elven lands
[11:53] Ondine Ninetails: devour if you wish i have no fear of death
[11:55] Ondine Ninetails thinks of how the elves would step over such a sight and call the drow to clean their portal
[11:56] Ondine Ninetails: I hav e left that life
[11:57] Ondine Ninetails: Consider that i have purpose and I am useful ...this should please you enough to think on my entry
[11:57] Slade Sommerfleck: what do you know of the moonclan?
[11:58] Ondine Ninetails: I not only fly but I am aquatic
[11:58] Slade Sommerfleck: ah yes i have heard of you
[11:58] Ondine Ninetails: the knowledge of the moon clan is little at best
[11:58] Ondine Ninetails: but the knowledge of the star and sun are less
[11:59] Ondine Ninetails: as should be
[12:00] Ondine Ninetails: this will have to be revealed to me if you see fit
[12:00] Slade Sommerfleck: have you completed the scrolls quest?
[12:00] Ondine Ninetails: I have just begun
[12:00] Ondine Ninetails: ((some have been absent due to construction))
[12:01] Slade Sommerfleck: (( ok very good))
[12:01] Slade Sommerfleck: I will say this then ...i am not apposed to you starting down the path to join my clan
[12:01] Slade Sommerfleck: but i wish you to know more of us ...
[12:01] Slade Sommerfleck: seek out the dark dragons
[12:02] Slade Sommerfleck: speak with them ...and when you feel you know enough return to me and tell me what it means to be a moon clan dragon
[12:02] Slade Sommerfleck: Begin with Petunia she will be able to help you
[12:02] Ondine Ninetails bows deeply and respectfully..looks up at the dark dragon and grins[12:03] Ondine Ninetails: I will do this as you say
[12:03] Slade Sommerfleck: I wish you dark skies and shadow's embrace my young dragoness[12:04] Ondine Ninetails holds her stare into his eyes and returns with confidence"and dark skies to you My Lord
to Lord Chaos

not mirrors
nor handles on the door
something more
a hand to inner makings
hidden deep
within the blood and gore
some find the reach to stone
excalibur at best
no place of rest
the few
that clear away the sweaty paths
and dark nights of the soul
(dismissed as brave cowards
willing sacrifices on the alter
of the nothing child)
….my children all
oozing blood n grime
displays of rancid
body parts
what fallen angel hasn't longed
for mary's hand upon the brow
cool strokes
baptism of our greater way of being
what horror
has not been
visioned worn and tested
in the quest
no rest
no rest
for stinky vermin guests
leave your mud shoes at the door
and walk upon the earthen floors
we entered at our own demise
Oh Pearl of greatest price
your song of sacrifice
will sing the truth of who our least might be
a candidate for dire humanity
or elven kind
for all the world to see
we fail!
to mark the boundaries of despair
with something more
than platitudes
and musings in the round
we win as often as we scream
the tearful sounds
as witness to our children's fall from grace
and curse the womb that brought them to this place
of pain
who here would willingly slam hands upon the cross
and offer up their life for
handfuls of these vipers….
who here upon the round
can hold a steady glance
into the pit of all our reckonings
and know our hand is in the fault
so few pillars of salt
so few burning bushes
though none pass by
without witness
2 the U N I

Now for the past three nights…
A darkness so intense that flavors of a death
Where there
In challenge
To look straight in the eye of
Fitful sleep
And stirrings in the nature
Of the animal
To flee
I hesitate to speak
But over years of dreams
I know the flavors fairly well
And this was of the animal and beast to see
Last night
At 3 past Moon
I half woke once again in trembling of the self
As deep
the dark descended once again
Demanding that I look
I froze in fear
Upon the deep edge of the Fall
Said I to Her
"Release and fall!!!
What can you fear
Its only death!"
With this
It burst all open
Like a drop of oil upon the endless water
Pouring from
All underground streams
In constellations of the mind
I saw her face
So fierce...
The Dark and Her attendants
All black and stone and salt
Oh GOD! I cried
Thrusting there her way toward south southeast
With speeds and power unthinkable
I tremble at the very memory of this sight
If this be of a soul
I cry aloud
If this be of some other realm
What is she but a piece of ash:
The earth
Another Phoenix in the Son

For Lord Magni

Hiding in the perceptions of the mundane
Becoming the unseen
And laughing when speaking truth that no one hears
Because of notions and ideals
Created over centuries of storytelling
Hiding but an arms length away
Inside the hidden tablets
Written on
By the hand of Gods
And because you ask
This "Hound of the Gods"
Howls all phases of the moon
Relentless ...unbending... unshakeable
Holding both presence and promise
Faithful companion
Sitting at your feet
Waiting to be awoken and born by your calling

The Three Graces

Seraf and Zan

[5:04] You: one more thing to do than i am officially dragon
[5:05] You: then you are lunch
[5:05] Seraf Clip: Ondine!
[5:05] Zanatar Moonites: you know ondine i think somehow youve been wanting us both for lunch for quite a time
[5:05] Zanatar Moonites: before you went dragon
[5:06] Zanatar Moonites: lol
[5:15] Seraf Clip: ddid you hear anything about me being approached my the Dark ppl to join them
[5:15] Seraf Clip: ?
[5:15] You: tell me...
[5:15] Seraf Clip: im asking you!
[5:15] You: when was that?
[5:15] Seraf Clip: lol
[5:16] You: why would they do that?
[5:17] Seraf Clip: erm
[5:17] Seraf Clip: right
[5:17] You: are you saying that you are thinking of an offer?
[5:17] You: or hoping for one?
[5:17] Seraf Clip: ...
[5:17] Seraf Clip: Ondine
[5:17] You: yes my love
[5:17] Seraf Clip: i was asking you if you HEARD of it
[5:17] Seraf Clip: my love?
[5:17] Seraf Clip: lol
[5:17] Seraf Clip: what the
[5:17] You: you did??
[5:17] You: i must have heard you wrong...hmmm
[5:18] Seraf Clip: okay im geting confused here
[5:18] You: you would do well as leader of an army in any form
[5:18] You: your skills are well known**smiles**
[5:18] You: as Zans are
[5:19] Zanatar Moonites: meh..
[5:19] You: fine warriors indeed
[5:20] You: i understand the creatures approached the keep again
[5:20] You: I do hope you will ask me too for assistance if they return
[5:20] You: I do not have all the same connections after today
[5:20] Seraf Clip: well we will need all the help we can get against them
[5:21] You: i am always willing to help you both for such causes
[5:21] You: you know that
[5:22] Seraf Clip: well we still lay weapons down with the dark
[5:22] Ondine Ninetails grins and looks to each handsome warrior
[5:22] Seraf Clip: till we get the fuzzys off the land
[5:22] You: i am for holding a peace between the light and dark
[5:22] You: i know its value
[5:23] Seraf Clip: well we need to stand togather against those creatures
[5:23] You: and although my bow skills leave something to be desired
[5:24] You: i have learned stealth
[5:24] You: from you
[5:24] You: well my lovelies
[5:24] You: i will leave you to your vanities
[5:24] Seraf Clip: loveies.. lol
[5:24] You: i love you both
[5:25] You: perhaps see you later
[5:25] Seraf Clip: perhaps
[5:25] Zanatar Moonites: take care
[5:25] Ondine Ninetails bows warmly with a grin
[5:25] Zanatar Moonites wonders if he will have a missing head should he walk into elf lands as is

(later that morning)

[6:52] You: vedui warriors
[6:53] Seraf Clip: Vedui Ondine
[6:53] Zanatar Moonites: Vedui Ondine.
6:53] Seraf Clip: out for a ride are we
[6:54] You: so when wil this new elven army be in good form
[6:55] Seraf Clip: let that be my secret *winks*
[6:55] You: I keep wondering how much time we have before they return
[6:55] You: the creatures thatis
[6:55] You: not many secrets are hidden from elves
[6:55] Seraf Clip: they appear randomly..
[6:55] Seraf Clip: so we dont know when will they appear
[6:56] You: have the safe places been installed inthe keep
[6:56] You: and the bath
[6:56] You: i assume they can walk through doors
[6:56] Seraf Clip: no idea
[6:57] Seraf Clip: didnt talk to them about it
[6:57] You: elves!
[6:57] You: talk talktalk
[6:57] Seraf Clip laughs
[6:57] You: I am surprised they are not all eaten and become extinct
[6:58] Seraf Clip: we are not eaten becouse we can protect ourselves
[6:58] You: until now
[6:58] Seraf Clip: until now?
[6:58] Seraf Clip: who will end out fate than
[6:59] You: they could have eaten and eliminated you all by
[6:59] You: now
[6:59] You: I am wondering why
[6:59] You: that is
[6:59] Seraf Clip: well you know the elven rage
[6:59] Seraf Clip grins devilishly
[7:00] You: a lovely thing to see yes
[7:00] Seraf Clip: where not easy to be beaten
[7:00] You: they are passionate
[7:00] Seraf Clip: swift and agile..
[7:00] Seraf Clip: so maybe thats why
[7:00] Seraf Clip: we are not ALL dead yet
[7:00] Ondine Ninetails squints her eyes and smiles
[7:01] You: hmm
[7:01] Ondine Ninetails takes a closer look in serafs eyes
[7:02] You: they have changed
[7:02] You: hmmm
[7:02] Seraf Clip looks at her and arches an eyebrow "what have changed?"
[7:02] You: .interesting
[7:02] You: your eyes
[7:02] You: they have a new determination
[7:03] You: a clear gaze of purpose
[7:03] Seraf Clip: i have a purpose
[7:03] You: yes i see that
[7:04] You: so why did you ask me that question this morning
[7:04] Seraf Clip: what question?
[7:04] Zanatar Moonites looks puzzled
[7:04] You: if someone else wold approach you to lead for the dark
[7:04] Seraf Clip: becouse i heard rumors about that
[7:05] Seraf Clip: that some say that i got approached by the Dark and asked to join
[7:05] You: aas I said you would be a fine leader no matter where you served
[7:05] Seraf Clip: and i dont have memory about dealing with the Dark
[7:05] Seraf Clip: my place is here
[7:05] Seraf Clip: with my people
[7:05] You: i understand
[7:05] You: you have purpose
[7:06] You: what is that purpose
[7:06] Seraf Clip: you maybe one day see that
[7:06] Ondine Ninetails looks around
[7:07] You: the dust is high here and at the arena
[7:07] You: i suspect you have had some trining already
[7:07] You: training
[7:07] Seraf Clip: well who knows
[7:07] You: with new recruits
[7:07] You: how many
[7:08] Seraf Clip: these are information you will not find out
[7:08] You: just hoping for many to hwlp with the creatures
[7:08] You: its good to know we have great numbers to hold them off
[7:09] You: we will need several of both the dark and light
[7:09] Seraf Clip: well when the time will come you might see but no information is given out[7:09] You: we just want to know you have and can support your end of the battle
[7:10] Seraf Clip: well when a leader approaches me with that question i might anser but i dont think i will anyway
[7:10] You: /smiles warmly...yes they have picked the right leader
[7:10] You: I am proud of you
[7:11] Seraf Clip smiles
[7:11] You: namaarie my friend
[7:11] You: namaarie zan my friend too
[7:11] Seraf Clip: Namaarie my friend
[7:12] Zanatar Moonites: Namaarie Ondine.

Remembering some mischief

this happen weeks ago...

If you come across a squashed squirrel at the entrance of the arena. Know that it was the cruelty and disregard of its little life by the Dark Queen Divine Paine, and not of the other races that partook in the tournament last night.
She and her minions laughed heartily at its demise and squished it even more into the ground mocking its chatter and annoying ways.
All I could think was that Tosh will be heartbroken when she sees this.
I returned later and buried the tiny creature and wept for him and all life that is trivialized.

With the help of my good friend Seraf and his clever stealth and ranger abilities, we worked with the squirrels to seek justice.

Pictures tell all-----------------

The squirrel gods watch quietly for the queens entry …waiting to smash her foot with acorns .
Hoping to maim and pay her justly for the little life she so casually took under foot at the arena.

Council Meeting

[17:59] Aymenday Barbarino: alright everyone, first I want to announce that sadly, very sadly, this will be Ondine's last meeting with us

[18:00] Seraf Clip: yes... i know that..

[18:00] Tess Compton looks to Ondine with a warm but mournful smile~

[18:00] Ondine Ninetails slowly begins “I can’t expect anyone to approve or agree with my decisions. I don’t ask for that .Instead , as Cora, I would like to speak my gratitudes and forgo any further tedious explanations

.[18:00] Aymenday Barbarino: she has asked for a race change, and Mal and I discussed it today, she will become a dragon very shortly

[18:01] You: may I speak a very short thankyou to the Coras

[18:01] Aymenday Barbarino smiles at Ondine "Your service to the Elves has been a wonderful gift to us all, and I wish you great success with the dragons"

[18:01] You: I thankyou

[18:02] Seraf Clip: indeed she was great help to us.. and a great friend..

[18:02] Ondine Ninetails looks shyly toward Xavi and speaks softly “for your demonstrations of truly astute behavior that is becoming for a high elf,….and your instructions on how to understand and use our innate abilities… I thank you.

[18:02] Seraf Clip: she still is

[18:02] You: me turns toward Eliza and sees her disapproval and speaks directly ,looking in her eyes,” And to you my fierce friend, “From you I learned to be relentless in battle. If I ran after the opponents “like someone owed me a debt” as you said, I did it knowing the ferocity of those with me in battle and that we all looked out for each other

[18:02] Xavi Villiers smiles, "You will do so well."

[18:03] You: I have not had a chance to know Sonata better, but I will miss what friends we might have been

[18:04] Ondine Ninetails turns to Tess and smiles. If I say thank you it will not be enough. The time, and patience you allowed this little elf and all elves that have entered these walls will always be remembered.

[18:04] Ondine Ninetails looks to lady Red and bows as deeply as possible ,pausing only to look up warmly…Lady Red…I know you understand. For this I am grateful. Serving as Cora to you ,Tari, has been my pleasure and honor. I know you will find someone to fill this space that can exemplify what a high elf should be.

[18:04] Tess Compton bows her head in respect with tears in her eyes

[18:05] You: Poppi …..Ondine pauses, …I thank herthe for the way she welcomed me and never passed up a chance to dance the dance at the drum circle. And the lovely home I rented from herthat made my stay here a pleasure.

[18:05] Ondine Ninetails decides to forgo any more undo words, that are the usual Elven way, …[18:06] Ondine Ninetails becomes silent holding back tears

[18:06] Xavi Villiers pats her on the back

.[18:06] Xavi Villiers: We shall still see you from time to time, right?

[18:06] Aymenday Barbarino looks upon her cousin with great sadness "Your words weigh heavily on my heart, and I would like for you to be remembered here in the halls of our Keep. If you would but give me a suitable picture of yourself I can frame it and place it in the council hall"

[18:07] Tess Compton smiles encouragingly "You will honor the dragon race, my friend."

[18:07] Tess Compton looks to Lady Red and nods in agreement.

[18:07] You: thankyou My lady

[18:08] Seraf Clip: I'm sure she will do great as a dragon as well

[18:08] Aymenday Barbarino smiles and sits up a bit straighter. "I suggest that while we still have Ondine's wisdom, we should get some work done"

Thuban's Dance

When laid across the continents of time
Hot breath upon the poles
And eyes upon the dancing sister
In the nights
Of oceans
Blurred through age's vision
Like some unseen map across the skies
Mere mortals
Gaze and point
And wonder
What these patterns mean
For all that's seen
Has fallen under hand for sanctuary's cage
A finer age
The phrase and counterpoint
Music of the spheres
A chirpingSound
In dissonance
Or bland harmonics
Sacred to geometries
Of being
Yet a simple observation from a tiny
Elven form
Deep within the hive of being
Bee dance for the paths to follow
Places for the gathering of pollon
For the soul